My move is just around the corner - where do I start?

Moving is often a challenge that requires both organizational skills and a lot of energy. Whether it's transitioning to a new city, moving to a larger home, or taking the first step toward independence, the task can quickly become overwhelming. But with the right planning and some clever tips, the moving process can be made much easier.

In this blog post we share 8 tips to help you make your move efficient and stress-free. Follow these tips to organize your move and you can ensure that the transition goes smoothly and you quickly feel comfortable in your new home.

1. Plan early

Start organizing your move and planning storage in your box early on. This allows for better organization.

2. Create a checklist

Create a detailed moving and storage checklist to ensure nothing is forgotten.

3. Declutter and sort out

Use the move to get rid of unneeded items before storing them.

4. Consider professional help

Consider using professional moving companies to make the process easier.

5. Proper packaging

Make sure to pack items carefully and securely before storing them. Read our blog post here about packing for your storage space.

6. Keep important documents and valuables

Keep important documents, valuables and personal items separate and transport them yourself.

7. Choose the time of the move

Plan your moving date carefully to avoid peak times and traffic if possible.

8. Book moving companies and storage space in good time

If necessary, book a moving company and your storage box well in advance.

If you're filling your storage space during the move, here are some tips you can follow to avoid chaos and get the most out of your storage space for the move. Read our blog post here with tips for organizing your self-storage room.

During the move, it is an advantage if several people have access to your storage space so that you don't always have to be there when something is being stored.

With the app you have the option of granting several people access as co-tenants. For example, simply set up temporary access for moving helpers or permanent access for your family.

Die All-in-one App

Volle Kontrolle über deine Lagerung und der digitale Schlüssel zu deinem Lagerraum.

The all-in-one app

Full control over your storage and the digital key to your storage.

Do you need a storage for your move?

Book your storage room now.

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